Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blah, Blah, Blah. The power of my big mouth/ those "gab sessions".

God teaches us lessons in the most crazy ways. The ways that hurt us, dig deep down into our souls. Ways that can bring us to tears over some horrible thing done to us, soon followed by a moment of " I do that soo often to others." Lately, I've been dealt with on the issue of my speech. I'm a girl. A girly girl nonetheless. I gossip with my friends more than I should, I'm opinionated, I easily offend others with my brashness. But how often am I quick to judge others? More importantly, how often do I judge others and tell them their "faults"?  We are all human, were all trying. Our Christian brothers and sisters in Christ are trying as well. I believe that as Christians, we can tend to hold these dear brothers and sisters to a much higher standard. Which in a way we should. No arguments about that. But what we fail to remember is that these friends struggle as well. They have a past as we all do. We have no clue as to how far God has brought them. The testimonies of the Saints are beautiful, we can all attest to that fact. However, when we are so critical towards others, forgetting where they came from, where we came from, we can end up placing them back into that pit that God so graciously took them out of. How many times do we speak behind someones back? Gossip always  gets back to the person it is about. How often do they hear words that we, who are supposed to be their biggest fan,have spoken out of judgement? Truth is friends, we have no idea, We just don't! We have no clue how hard it was for them to get out of bed that morning. We have no clue how the hurtful the memories are. We have no clue what a victory it was for them to get through the day without a drink, or a cigarrette. Until we take a good look at ourselves, lets focus on encouraging one another. We have no condemnation through Christ Jesus our Lord, why should we have it through each other?

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